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Our specialism and primary focus is hydraulic modelling using InfoWorks ICM. We have a passion for hydraulic modelling, it is at the heart of what we do.

With increasing challenges facing the UK water industry for higher efficiency and sustainability, our keen interest in engaging advanced industry technologies, coupled with 20 years of experience of traditional modelling methodologies, enables us to deliver results effectively that meet individual client needs.

Our services include:

Flood risk assessments

We have expertise in flood risk management modelling from the root cause analysis stage by understanding cause and effect, through to assisting engineers with the detailed design stage ensuring constructable solutions. We pride ourselves on providing flood mitigation options which are both efficient, cost effective and sustainable.

Growth impact assessments

We carry out growth impact assessments in order to understand the potential impacts of future housing and commercial developments on the existing infrastructure. We can prepare detailed assessments to assist organisations in planning and mitigation strategies.

Sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS)

Mimicking the natural drainage processes has many benefits such as the impact of rainwater runoff on our existing drainage systems as well as biodiversity. We embody principles in our sustainable drainage designs to ensure local planning requirements, legislation, infrastructure and environmental impacts are all considered from the outset.

Surface water management

We fully appreciate the importance and increasing demands on surface water management, from surface water removal to rainfall run off management. We have the modelling experience to assess and address surface water management issues effectively with sustainability, affordability, and constructability in mind.

Environmental impact assessments

We have extensive experience in evaluating the impacts of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) and Emergency Overflows (EOs) on the receiving natural water environment. We can provide detailed assessments and recommendations on mitigation strategies to improve water quality.

Model audit and reviews

With a collaborative and pragmatic approach, we offer model auditing and reviews, we have extensive experience incorporating client’s specifications to ensure the model is correct for their requirements. We appreciate the intricacies in building and verifying models therefore take a co-operative, understanding and practical approach ensuring models are fit for purpose and of value to stakeholders.

Artificial intelligence and automation

Our industry knowledge in AI and automation coupled with years of traditional modelling experience allows us to be well positioned to produce innovative hydraulic modelling optimisation strategies, be it for optioneering, growth impact assessments, model performance, long term strategic growth strategies through to automated model verification. We have developed excellent relationships and collaborate with leading industry AI software developers. We regularly receive training to keep up to date with the latest industry AI technologies.


We understand the essential role modelling provides in optioneering, we do this in mind of constructability and efficiencies and look for opportunities for sustainability where feasible. We acknowledge the importance of good on-going communication with engineers throughout the optioneering and detailed design stage to ensure designs can be taken forward effectively for construction.

Verification services

We can provide flow verification and calibration services, our traditional modelling experience coupled with automated verification processes can offer huge cost savings, accuracy, and a systematic approach to verifying a huge number of models in a fraction of the time.

Model maintenance

We acknowledge the importance of maintaining models and the complexities this entails. We have experience in ‘closing the loop’ using a cooperative approach to ensure models effectively replicate and include latest changes such as future developments, capital schemes and operational changes. This ensures models are a true representation of reality, and therefore a valuable and beneficial tool to all stakeholders for business decisions moving forward.

Additional modelling needs

We have excellent working relationships and collaborate closely with specialist modelling companies and consultants who can provide CFD, process, water quality and clean water modelling services to support our clients with managing all their modelling needs.